Color Photography in the 19th Century and Early 20th Century: Sciences, Technologies, Empires is a new working group that has been established to propel a rising field of research: colour photography in the 19th and early 20th century in order to reconfigure, expand, and problematize its role in the history of the discipline and in the historical contexts out of which it emerged. Presentations within this working group center on the material and epistemological connections between colour technologies, empires, and visuality, as well as the interdisciplinary ties between photography, other media, and neighbouring disciplines.
The convenors are Janine Freeston and Dr Hanin Hannouch
Membership is free and a monthly series of online meetings is in preparation.
When perusing old photos showing children one is always arrested by how but for the period dress and antiquity of the time of photo, in this case the boy is posed in thigh length stockings and sailor suit with floral Chinese parasol which sees the boy evincing somewhat of a glum “Do I really have to do this?” how contemporary a visage is portrayed that could be a child of today arrayed in fancy dress.