Hands On Pictures has recently updated its list of 2012 workshops. Of particular interest is the 21 and 22 September workshop on the development of photography from Niepce's first ideas to the daguerreotype process. This will be a practical demonstration workshop leading on to a hands-on workshop. It will be given by David Burder who is one of the world's leading daguerreotypists.
See: www.hands-on-pictures.com. The workshops are summarised below:
Workshops at Hands-On Pictures in Richmond & Photofusion in Brixton
Perhaps the widest Choice of Alternative Photography Workshops in the world...
Bromoil 28 & 29 June & 27 and 28 October, Terry King
Salt, Albumen and Van Dyke (brown prints) on 20,21 & 22 July, Terry King
Platinum Printing using film negatives on 7 & 8 July, Terry King
Cyanotype and Cyanotype Rex 12 & 13 July and 16 & 17 October and Terry King
Platinum at Photofusion, one day, 22 July, Terry King
Gum Bichromate (multicolour) 25 & 26 July & 1 & 2 August, 26 & 27 September Terry King
Gum at Photofusion, one-day, 29 July .
Platinum using digital negatives 4 & 5 August Peter Moseley and Terry king
Pinhole 14,15 & 16 August Derek Reay
Photoscreen 21 & 22 August, Brian Whitehead
Carbon 3,4 & 5 September Peter Moseley
Retouching analogue prints 11 & 12 September, Kevin O’Neill,
3D Photography 18 August David Burder
Niepce to Daguerre 21 & 22 September, David Burder
Polymer Gravure 30/31 August and 14 & 15 September, Peter Moseley
Mezzotint 18 & 19 September, Brian Whitehead
Multicolour gum 26 & 27 September, Terry King
Copper Plate Gravure 1,2 & 3, October, Peter Moseley
Wedgwood and Asphaltum 9 & 10 October, Terry King
Demonstration materials are included in the cost. Due to the high cost of some materials (e.g. platinum), an extra material fee may be applicable.