Edinburgh's Stills Gallery which has operated since 1977 is under threat from a trebling of its rent from £16,000 to £47,000 over five years. The Gallery occupies premises in the city centre and it is a centre for photography offering exhibitions and production facilities as well as a range of engagement opportunities for anyone to discover, enjoy and understand photography. Stills may be forced to relocate but its central location is crucial to its successes.
It said: "Our city centre location is crucial to making our work as accessible as possible – people travel from all over Scotland and further afield to access what we do, whether that's our exhibitions programme (which is always free), public-access photography production facilities, creative learning work or artist-led photography courses. Our work is unique and vital to Scotland’s cultural ecology. Stills makes a vital contribution to what makes Edinburgh and Scotland such a great place to live, work and visit."
Stills has launched a petition against the rent rise which supporters are encouraged to sign: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/oppose-the-city-of-edinburgh-council-s-proposed-rent-increase-for-stills
and the Stills Gallery website: http://www.stills.org/