Barry Lane, who has died aged 72, was the first, and only, photography officer at the Arts Council and was later Secretary-General of the Royal Photographic Society between 1995 and 2001. As a champion for photography at the Arts Council Lane played a pivotal role in supporting and exhibiting a new wave of emerging British photographers through funding and exhibitions. After he left the Arts Council as Head of Photography he was not replaced and photography had to look to other supporters to ensure it remained funded and exhibited.
He joined the Royal Photographic Society in 1995 and left after disagreements over the future of the RPS Collection.
BPH's thoughts are with Sue, his partner, and family. A full obituary is in preparation and will be published shortly.
UPDATE: A memorial service for Barry Lane will take place on Tuesday, 14 March 2017 at 2pm at Westbury-sub-Mendip parish church. Everyone is welcome to attend and and afterwards in Westbury Village Hall.
Westbury is on the A371 4 miles equidistant between Wells and Cheddar. The nearest railway stations are Castle Cary (16 miles) and Bath (20 miles).
Family flowers only and donations to Greenpeace and Dignity in Dying via the undertakers, Unwins, Wells, t: 01749 679927