There will a series of screenings and events connected with Do Not Bend: The Photographic Life of Bill Jay across the UK throughout 2018. These will be ticketed events and tickets will be available through partners associated with each screening. Details will be posted over the coming weeks and they will be announced via the film’s Facebook page and via the @UNofPhoto Twitter feed.
William ‘Bill’ Jay (12 August 1940–10 May 2009) was a photographer, a writer on and advocate of photography, a curator, a magazine and picture editor, lecturer, public speaker and mentor. He was the first editor of Creative Camera Owner magazine, which became Creative Camera magazine (1967–1969) and founder and editor of Album magazine (1970–1971).
He established the first gallery dedicated to photography in the UK with the Do Not Bend Gallery, London and the first Director of Photography at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London. Whilst there he founded and directed the first photo-study centre.
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