12201229298?profile=originalMight anyone recognize the gent in this ambrotype by John Beattie of Bristol 1858-70s https://archives.cliftonbridge.org.uk/beattie-john he was a spiritualist and to take a portrait outside his studio might indicate a special sitter there is a masonic symbol on the lower edge as with other mats by Beattie.


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  • wow well spotted  how nice to hve that line up even if virtual! Gael

  • I am told the Daguerrotype image I recently posted and identified as Sir John originated on this site. When looking at registered members it appears James Morley a registered user of this site posted the image a while ago in the hope of identifying the sitter. 


  • Quite by chance I happened to see a Daguerrotype of the Sir John on a Pinterest site. I don't do Pinterest so am unable to post a link but here is an image extracted from the site. The three images are now arranged as a triptych:


  • I am not a serious collector but have come by some wetplates of this era and I find them charming and wonderfully detailed. I might be interested in purchasing a wet plate such as this should it be for sale.

    If you want to sell please send me a private message.

  • Thanks Michael  I checked the NPG but they have quite a few portraits of Hawkshaw already. Regards Gael

  • Hi, Gael. From his biography, the Museum of Science and industry in Manchester or the Museum of London / London Metropolitan Archives might be appropriate homes.  

  • Thanks so much David  we are thrilled to have the image so  postitively identified

    would there be a collection that might want to acquire the ambrotype? It wont mean much to Australian collectors.

    regards Gael

  • Hello Gael - Hope the ID is useful.

    Yes John is somewhat older in the CDV on the LHS. In this image he has achieved his knighthood and appears more mellow and a more considered gentleman. I do not own this image.

    I have posted a comment under this same image on my flickr page : Sir John Hawkshaw (1811-1891) | As Seen At : britishphotohis… | Flickr 

    The comment goes some way to expalin his presence in Bristol and sketches out Beatties underlying schematic for the image.

  • Hi David   Hawkshaw doesnt seem to have been in Bristol much what makes you think it is  him other than resemblance he looks older in the cdv [?] you have than the ambrotype? regards Gael

  • Deaar David 

    Many many thanks for that ID I felt he had to be someone of significance 

    regards Gael

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