"As a young curator coming to Britain or the first time in 1976 I sought Mike Weaver out about Pictorialism for some reason we ended up sitting on some steps talking for quite some time. We met again maybe twice with the warm and wonderful Anne I…"
"Might be worth asking Elizabeth Anne McCauley ( was Princeton) even if her account of Paris studuios 'Industrial Madnes commercial photography in Paris, 1848-1871 is earlier but she may have become a whiz at reading French studio names and scripts."
Dear Gael - I didn't see any letters on George Lewis - there are probably a lot somewhere - try the IWM photo library or the National galleries of Scotland. I'm in a show at the SNPG openning this week so will email the curator about him. About ten years ago I was commissioned by the SNPG to print 20 of his negatives at the IWM darkroom, so I spoent some time looking at his prints with acurator first at the IWM and choosing which to print - there are over a thousand. Best wishes Peter
Hi Gael, Hope you are having fun as well as getting your research done. Thanks for the tips. I have checked the Pitt Rivers catalogue but have been meaning to contact Elizabeth Edwards directly. I'd be interested to hear who else is working on photographs from the anthropological perspective. The survey of Australian photographs in UK collections sounds very interesting. There was a little of this in Julia Peck's Thesis (for which 100 thank yous!). Sweet seems to cut a very low profile in UK collections which surprises me.
Just writing up his transition to dry plates - your views on this were very helpful! If 'Instantaneous Process' can be taken to mean dry plates, he may have started using them as early as 1878 (not 1880 as I thought). Happy holiday / researching!
Hi, Yes, I do received the catalog from you. It was so pity that I could not attend the symposium you directed. Hope there will be another opportunities can makes me join.
Hello Gael,
You must contact the author Alexandre Ramires (Portuguese, living in Coimbra) to alexandreramiresjc@gmail.com
Best regards,
Dear Gael - I didn't see any letters on George Lewis - there are probably a lot somewhere - try the IWM photo library or the National galleries of Scotland. I'm in a show at the SNPG openning this week so will email the curator about him. About ten years ago I was commissioned by the SNPG to print 20 of his negatives at the IWM darkroom, so I spoent some time looking at his prints with acurator first at the IWM and choosing which to print - there are over a thousand. Best wishes Peter
Just writing up his transition to dry plates - your views on this were very helpful! If 'Instantaneous Process' can be taken to mean dry plates, he may have started using them as early as 1878 (not 1880 as I thought). Happy holiday / researching!
Hi, Yes, I do received the catalog from you. It was so pity that I could not attend the symposium you directed. Hope there will be another opportunities can makes me join.