Dr Parekh's aim fromthe start was to assemble a collection that spans the history of photography through the machinery that makes it possible. Hence, this logical approach includes such exotica as a 19-century head clamp and a portable dark tent (by the London firm of Murray and Heath from the late 1850s) with collodion processing equipment used by the early pioneers of photography.
The collection also features stereoscopic cameras, magic lanterns, a working Mutoscope, optical toys,as well as the 'first instant camera' - The Dubroni from 1864, and Kodak's Super Six-20 of 1938, the first to feature automatic exposure control.
Under the hammer will also be a series of spy cameras, including some remarkable examples from the late 19th century (eg Photo-Binocle dating from th
The full auction catalogue can be found here.
Photos: Collodion dark tent processing apparatus, Murray & Heath, London, 1850s;
Dubroni outfit, Paris - launched in 1864 and is considered the first'instant' camera, although strictly speaking the camera offered processing inside the camera immediately after the plate was exposed.