The DGPh History of Photography Research Award 2018 will be open for all elements of research into photography's many aspects. Besides aspects of traditional history and theory of photography, topics will be considered that deal with photography's social meaning, or the impact that the medium has had on society. The applicant's work should represent an autonomous, innovative, and original contribution to these areas. The award is particularly aimed at young scholars.
The award is open to researchers from all fields. Applications and manuscripts for the DGPh History of Photography Research Award may be submitted in either English or German. Applications should consist of a published or unpublished manuscript produced during the last two years before the deadline. Project outlines, or yet unfinished manuscripts etc. will not be accepted. Allocation will be the decision of an expert jury. The award is endowed with a total of 3,000 Euro. The jury holds the right to split the prize between two applicants in equal parts. The award will be handed over at a public event organized by the DGPh.
Submission requirements are the following pdf-files:
- A complete manuscript as electronic file form
- An abstract of the submitted work (approx. 300-500 words)
- A curriculum vitae
- A list of publications
The final date for submissions is the 30 September, 2018.
Submissions should be send online under:
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