There are a number of events, talks and exhibitions taking place across the United Kingdom that include the photography of Helen Muspratt throughout 2017.
Glasgow School of Art: 4 March - 27 May: Exhibition: Franki Raffles “Observing Women at Work”
Two of Helen Muspratt’s photographs of women working in the fields, taken in the Soviet Union in 1936 will be shown and compared with those taken by Raffles during a visit to Russia in 1989.
Cambridge Science Festival: 20 March: talk by Jessica Sutcliffe: "Experiments in Photography - Cambridge in the Thirties"
Monday 20 March: 5.30 pm: Cambridge University Library
The talk will concentrate on the experimental work; solarisation, multiple exposure and rayograph techniques, carried out by by Helen with her partner, Lettice Ramsey after they set up Ramsey & Muspratt in Cambridge;
Booking opens on 20 February.
Durlston Castle, Swanage: 20 June - 12 July: Exhibition: Helen Muspratt Photographer
Exhibition of Helen,s work in her home town of Swanage. I will also de giving a talk during the exhibition. Date to be confirmed
Open daily 10.30 am - 5 pm
Exhibition: Oxford Central Library
An exhibition will be held in the Oxford Central Library later on this year. It already owns, and is digitising a number of Ramsey & Muspratt images and will reopen its newly revamped library with the show. There should be a considerable interest in the city where Helen Muspratt spent most of her working life and took portraits of numerous local people, both Town and Gown.
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