Library of Birmingham, Pete James and photography

12669197675?profile=RESIZE_180x180Rachel Segal Hamilton, a journalist who specialsies in photography, has written an extended essay for the Birmingham Despatch on the photography collections at the Library of Birmingham and the legacy of Pete James (pictured right). It looks at the history of Birmingham's photography collections and the current situation. 

Read the full piece here:

Images: Michael Pritchard

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  • 12670025498?profile=RESIZE_930x

  • 12670025659?profile=RESIZE_930x

  • Good to see this getting some publicity and I hope that funding can be found for some proper work with the colection soon. Hoping Stuart's bid comes off.

  • An excellent article.  For me the greatest loss though is what was in Pete's head, but let's hope that something positive can be salvaged out of all this, and pray for enlightenment in the corridorsof power.

  • Good piece. Hope it makes the new politicians, post General Election, aware that they have to creatively nourish our photographic heritage. Even my archive :-)

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