asian photography (1)

This is an international two day conference on early photographers and their studio practices in Asia, and cross-cultural exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to explore the photographic portrait in the first hundred years of the medium in Asia. It intends to promote inter-regional comparative analyses between scholars working in diverse cultural and national contexts. The symposium will not only analyse photographic representations of Asian peoples for the global market, but also consider the domestic adoptions and adaptations of the visual technology for local forms of self-representation and cultural practice. It will also consider the studio photograph as collaboration between photographer and sitter, and the diverse performed identities invoked in photographic sittings. Possible topics include: * Early Asian photographers and their studio practices * The exhibition and reception of photographic portfolios * Collected portfolios of Asian peoples * Photographers of the Asian diaspora active in California, Australia and elsewhere. * Photographic portraiture and identity * Cross-cultural photographic exchanges within the Asia-Pacific region * Asian photographic archives and their histories Presented by the Research School of Humanities, Australian National University and the National Gallery of Australia.
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