era (1)

I am looking for widely distributed photographs taken at the evictions on the Vandeleur estate, Kilrush, IR.  Some 50 photographs were taken before, during and in the aftermath of these evictions.  It was the most photographed of the Victorian era Irish evictions.  Photographs were widely distributed, by witnesses present at the evictions, and those who came to Kilrush in the aftermath. The witnesses included 5 Americans and 6-8 English and Scottish individuals.  The number who visited afterwards has not been established, but likely included another half-dozen.  Many of these individuals and parties brought home photographs obtained from the photographers who took them, obtained from agents of the National League who escorted later visitors, or purchased from the Lawrence studio or other sources.  I have found references in contemporary British newspapers that these photographs were projected by magic lantern technology to various groups and societies.  If anyone knows of this I would like to be informed.

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