The Photographic Historical Society has announced the program of papers to be presented at PhotoHistory XVI that will take place in Rochester, New York on 10-12 October 2014. Martin L. Scott, Program Chair of PhotoHistory XVI, made the announcement.
According to Scott, the program committee has selected the following papers for presentation at George Eastman House:
- Working Without Pictures: Recovering the Early Years of American Photography / Greg Drake, Photographic Historian / Boston, MA
- Photography: Hungary’s Greatest Export? / Colin Ford, Photographic Historian, former Director of UK Museum of Photography (Bradford) / Enfield, England
- The Photographic Periodical Press 1853-1914: disseminating knowledge and forming opinions / Michael Pritchard, Research Associate, Photographic History Research Centre, De Montfort University / Leicester, and Director General, The Royal Photographic Society / Bath, England
- Geographic Origins of Still Cameras Manufactured in the United States / Ralph London, Portland, OR
- Spy Satellites, the Cold War, and Kodak / J. Bradley Paxton / Eastman Kodak (retired), Webster, NY
- The Uvachrome System of Color Photography / Cornelia Kemp, Curator of Photography and Film, Deutsches Museum / Munich, Germany
- Georeferencing the Work of Historical 19th Century Photographers in Arizona and New York City / Jeremy Rowe / Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- The Trumbull Panoramic Camera / Peter and Barbara Schultz / Brown University, Providence, RI
- Teaching the History of Photography in the Digital Age / Kenneth White, Professor of Photography / Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
- Skylight Photo Studios of the Finger Lakes / Nicholas M. Graver, Photographic Antiquarian, Brighton, NY
- The Digital Single-Lens Reflex: Born and Raised in Rochester / James McGarvey, Eastman Kodak (retired), Hamlin, NY
“Our committee had a particularly difficult time selecting papers for PhotoHistory XVI from an extraordinary number of excellent submissions. Our hope is that those we couldn’t select this time will submit again for the next PhotoHistory Symposium. We have chosen presentations representing early processes, pioneers, special apparatus, national schools, commercial manufacturing, national defense, and the preservation of the past,” Scott explained.
Further details concerning the attendance costs and the banquet keynote speaker will be released later this summer.
PhotoHistory XVI, the world’s only continuous symposium on the history of photography, begins with a meet and greet get-together the first evening, and will continue with a full day of presentations, an evening banquet followed by a next day of browsing at a photographic trade show which attracts dealers from North America and internationally. The most recent PhotoHistory XV was held in October 2011 and drew about 200 visitors from the Americas, Europe, Australia and Japan.
The symposium’s venue, George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film, combines the world’s leading collections of photography and film housed within the stately landmark Colonial Revival mansion that was George Eastman’s home from 1905 to 1932. The Museum is a National Historic Landmark.
The Photographic Historical Society of Rochester, NY, is the first organized society devoted to photographic history and the preservation of photo antiques. It was founded in 1966. For more information see the Society’s web site at