History and Theory of Photography Research Centre. All events free and open to all, at 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD.
24 October 2017, 6:00-7:30pm
Keynes Library (room 114)
Dr. AnnaLea Tunesi (independent scholar)
Art Dealing, Taste and Politics: Photographs from the archives of Florentine art dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922)
This paper explores the importance of photography in the nineteenth-century art market and for art-historical studies at large. Looking at images of paintings, sculptures and mediaeval and Renaissance crafts can be simultaneously revealing and deceiving. Time, place and users can change their connotations, raising important questions about their relationship to the original works. Intertwining photography, art collecting and art dealing, considered within an historical framework, this talk begins with Stefano Bardini’s show-room, to introduce his use of photographs for art dealing purposes by exploring the case study of a photograph of Allegory of Love, a c.1508 painting by ‘Il Sodoma’ (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi), and its acquisition of various meanings through its European journeys.
Peltz Gallery: Exhibition continues until 31 October 2017
Monday-Friday, 10:am-8pm, Saturday:10am-5pm
Sunil Gupta: In Pursuit of Love
9 November 2017, 6:00-7:30pm
Room 106 GS,
Nina Lager-Westberg (Norwegian University of Art & Technology), Images at Work: Digitisation and the Archival Cultures of Photography.
29 November 2017, 6:00-9:00pm
Keynes Library (room 114)
Kate Flint, Flash! Photography, Writing, and Surprising Illumination (Oxford UP, 2017).
Book Launch - panel discussion followed by drinks.
6 February 2018, 6:00-7:30pm
Keynes Library (room 114)
Elizabeth Johnson (Associate Research Fellow, Vasari Research Centre for Art and Technology)
The Touch of Light: Bruce Nauman’s Holograms.
Information on past events at http://www.bbk.ac.uk/arts/research/photography
HI, do we need to sign up for 9th November Digitisation and the Archival Cultures of photography ?