While arranging a visit to the photographic archive of Central Library I discovered that they have a great many photographs which are not accessible because they have not been catalogued. There are not sufficient members of staff to catalogue them, especially in these straitened times. "You are just the sort of person we need to help us catalogue our photographs"
I now spend just one morning a week cataloguing photographs. I have just completed recording the contents of a box of 3 1/4" glass slides of Notts churches by Alfred J. Loughton. A new photographer to me but there is a website ajloughton.co.uk. He isn't a Frederick Evans but the images are interesting.
Could you spare half a day to help your local library?
Couldn't agree more ~ every archive should have and encourage volunteers. I'm engaged as such from time-to-time with an archive group at a centre holding therapeutic community archives that has a residential attached block allowing for volunteers to stay with selfcatering over weekends and other days and nights making of the experience eventful and social.