Posted by Peter Leonard on February 18, 2018 at 17:45
With my limited knowledge of photography, this seems to me an really good example of a wedding day family group photograph.My 4 x Great Uncle, Frank Walton (1834-1923) Photographer from Leeds sites front right next to his new wife Mary Bailey nee Brewer (1838-1925) Owner of Bailey's Marionette Shows and widow of Harry Bailey. In the middle at the back stands Frank's son in law, George Archer Blanchett, better know by his stage name of George Eurgene Belmont, Barnum's Beauty, Theatre Owner Manager and Impresario (1856-1922) to Belmont's left is his wife of 11 years, Louisa, daughter of Frank. A year later she sued him for divorce publicly and messily. On his other side is one of the daughters of Harry and Mary Bailey.It is quite likely that the photograph was taken by employees of Frank from his studio in Briggate Leeds or from his Theatre at Oddfellows Hall in Halifax where Walton and Bailey ran early cinemotograph shows.Hope you like it.Peter
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