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Leica 250s were used by J Barker & Sons Ltd to take walking photographs on Great Yarmouth seafront in the 1950s and 1960s. This is Barry Drake with the only one of the six they had that was in chrome. The other five were black. All model FF I think.
This view of Leica 250 DD ?'Prototype' shows how similar it is to the Production version - the 'Extended Locking Lever' is at the rear of the camera. The 'Winding knobs' are taken from the standard LeicaII (although modified).
Leica 250s were used by J Barker & Sons Ltd to take walking photographs on Great Yarmouth seafront in the 1950s and 1960s. This is Barry Drake with the only one of the six they had that was in chrome. The other five were black. All model FF I think.
This view of Leica 250 DD ?'Prototype' shows how similar it is to the Production version - the 'Extended Locking Lever' is at the rear of the camera. The 'Winding knobs' are taken from the standard LeicaII (although modified).