A remarkable collection of autochromes, photographs and diascopes by Mary Olive Edis Balsworth (1876-1955), whose self-portrait is shown right, is being offered at auction on 5 March 2009. All of the items have been at Edis's studio and house in Sheringham since her death under the ownership of Cyril Nunn and, until now, rarely seen. The autochomes include a number of rare Canadian scenes.
Nunn died last year and recently Olive's collection of Sheringham and Norfolk photographs and autochromes was acquired by Cromer Museum where they are due to be put on public display later this year. Many of these images were reproduced in Face to Face – Sheringham, Norfolk: The Remarkable Story of Photographers Olive Edis & Cyril Nunn, by Alan Childs, Cyril Nunn and Ashley Sampson (Halsgrove, 2005). A few of the Canadian images are reproduced in black and white and some were reproduced in colour in the e-newsletter for The Photographic Historical Society of Canada (March 2006).
The same auction features material from the estate of Robert 'Bob' Lassam, the former curator of the Fox Talbot Museum at Lacock. The material from Lassam's estate includes photographs from the Kodak exhibitions he helped arrange as well as cameras.
The catalogue is available on line at http://www.dominic-winter.co.uk/. The sale takes place at 5 March at 11am.
Edis was born in 1876, her father was Dr. Arthur Wellesley Edis, professor of gynaecology at UCH and her mother was Mary Edis (neé Murray, the sister of John Murray.) They lived at 22 Wimpole Street, London, where Arthur had a medical practice. Olive had twin sisters, four years younger than her, Katherine and Emmeline. Olive's great uncle was Dr. John Murray (1809-1898), a surgeon with the Bengal Medical Service. He photographed Mughal architecture in India, making some 600 images, often 18 x 14 inches (salted paper prints from paper & collodion negs.), many of which are now in the BL collection. He retired to Sheringham in 1871. His descendents sold their collection at Sotheby's in 1999.
Olive photographed John Murray's daughter Caroline (said to have been her first photograph) in 1900. In 1893, when Olive was 17, her father died and in 1905, Olive & Katherine, as partners, opened a studio at 39 Church Street, Sheringham. Olive used only natural light when making photographs. Her printing, first done by her sister Katherine and later by Lilian Page, included platinotype, sepia platinotype or autochrome. In 1910, Olive's photographs were regularly appearing in the Illustrated London News and in 1912 she started making autochrome images. She became an RPS member in 1913 and in that year won a medal for her autochrome portraits in the RPS exhibition. In 1914 she was elected FRPS and designed an autochrome viewer, known as a diascope, which she patented (GB17132).
Although her income came from her work as a studio portraitist in March 1919 she was commissioned by the National (later Imperial) War Museum to photograph the work of British women in France & Flanders and, at the same time, made deeply moving images of the desolation of war. In 1920 she was asked to undertake a commission to make advertising photographs for the Canadian Pacific Railway and did the work during July to November. The plates were exhibited at the 1921 Toronto Fair, and at the Canadian Pacific Offices in London in 1922, but apart from a few 'seconds' offered here there is no trace of the main body of work. These are probably the earliest known colour images of Western Canada.
In 1928, when she was 52, Olive married Edwin Galsworthy a solicitor and director of Barclays bank. This family connection opened doors into society and she photographed many people of national importance. Olive and Edwin had a residence in 32 Ladbroke Square, London and in Sheringham they moved to a new house in South Street. Olive extended her business to include the printing and sale of real photographic postcards. In 1951 Olive exhibited photographs of fisherman at Sheringham. She died in 1955.
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Since the practical invention of photography in the 1840s, Scotland has been at the centre of the history and development of the medium. The Scottish National Portrait Gallery – which houses the Scottish National Photography Collection – and the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, hold outstanding collections of photographic art spanning three centuries. Included are figures such as D.O. Hill and Robert Adamson, Julia Margaret Cameron, Thomas Annan, Alfred Stieglitz, Robert Capa, Bill Brandt, Annie Leibovitz and Andreas Gursky. This book offers a detailed guide to the collections as well as an accessible and informative introduction to photography. This revised edition includes recently commissioned photography and significant new acquisitions, with works by Diane Arbus, Cindy Sherman and Robert Mapplethorpe.
The book will be available in March 2009, 224pp, 200 colour illustrations, £9.99.
National Galleries of Scotland
ISBN: 978 1 906270 20 9
The authors:
Dr Sara Stevenson is Chief Curator of the Scottish National Photography Collection, National Galleries of Scotland
Dr Duncan Forbes is Senior Curator of Photography at the National Galleries of Scotland. A nineteenth-century specialist, he also writes on aspects of contemporary photography, with recent articles and reviews appearing in the Oxford Art Journal, History Workshop Journal, Portfolio, History of Photography and Third Text. Recent curatorial projects include Joanna Kane’s ‘Somnambulists’ and Dieter Appelt’s ‘Forth Bridge – Cinema/Metric Space’. He is currently finishing a book on the early Scottish photographer John Muir Wood, titled Holding the World Together Within.
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This is the title of a new publication from the long-established photography dealer and collector Robert Hershkowitz. 2008. The book begins with an introducution to Hershkowitz's relationship with British calotype and salt print photography before illustrating full-page fifty photographs. These range from Roger Fenton, Thomas Sutton, Calvert Jones, Linneaus Tripe, Thomas Keith, Clifford and others. The illustrations do the original prints full justice.
The book, text plus fifty colour plates plus text is available from Robert Hershkowitz Ltd, Cockhaise, Monteswood Lane, Lindfield, Sussex RH16 2QP, England; Phone: +44 (0) 1444 482240; email: prhfoto@btconnect.com; ISBN No. 978-0-9560594-0-6.
Working with elementary school students in Detroit, Michigan as a volunteer for the past 5 years has been and still is an exciting way for me to share my research on Anna Atkins and her book , Photographs of British Algae; Cyanotype Impressions. My middle school students in Birmingham, Michigan have marveled at the images of their photograms as they appeared and then washed them in the school bathroom. I have been working on a biography about Anna Atkins to share with young adults. Larry Schaaf's writing has been so inspiring. It is exciting to read in his 1992 Out of the Shadow's Herschel, Talbot & the Invention of Photography and The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot about her ties with Sir John Herschel and W. H. F. Talbot. Mike Ware's work on cyanotypes is so informative and helpful. Thank you so much to both! I am trying to find out more about Anna Atkins' early life or any photographs of her home or the surroundings where she worked and grew up. I would greatly appreciate any direction the group might offer to further my independent research. Thank you! Judith
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Birmingham Central Library has been awarded £11,750 by The Art Fund, the UK’s leading independent art charity, to purchase prints by two of the leading British documentary photographers of the 1970s, who were inspired by amateur Victorian photographer Sir Benjamin Stone.The acquisition includes a total of twenty-four photographs by Daniel Meadows and Homer Sykes, who documented the lives, customs and festivals of British people some eighty years after Stone toured the country recording similar subjects.Images from Sykes’s book Once a Year – Some Traditional British Customs and prints from Meadows’s Free Photographic Omnibus project will form the basis of a new collection demonstrating Stone’s influence on subsequent generations of British photographers. The Library already holds other signifcant work from this period including a portfolio of images by Tony Ray-Jones (printed after his death by John Benton-Harris), and The Paul Hill / Photographer's Place Archive.Meadows, Sykes and Ray-Jones were featured in the legacy section of the Library’s exhibition Knight of the Camera: the Photographs of Sir Benjamin Stone MP in Centenary Square in 2008. The purchase was supported by Anthony Collins Solicitors, major sponsors for last year’s exhibition.The Library has an immense archive of over 22,000 photographs colleted and taken by Stone which were gifted to Birmingham Free Libraries after his death in 1914. It now forms the cornerstone of the Library’s collection which was awarded Designated status in 2006 by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council.David Barrie, Director of The Art Fund, said: “This is an immensely rich and diverse collection of works from two very important photographers, who have dedicated their careers to capturing the social zeitgeist in Britain. The Art Fund’s core purpose is to make great works of art available for everyone to enjoy, as this work now will be for generations to come.”The prints will be on view alongside other material at the forthcoming RPS Historical Grroup event at the Library on 14th March. Collections like this and Birmingham's extensive archives will be opened up further to the public as part of the Library of Birmingham, set to open in Centenary Square in 2013. This will include a gallery space as well as facilities to improve the acess to and standards of care and conservation of the collections.
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The location of Bradford for the National Museum of Photgraphy, Film and Television (now the National Media Museum) was always a bit problematic for Britain's London-centric visitors and arts community - notwithstanding the fact that there are almost as many potential visitors within an hour travel time of Bradford as there are to London. Overseas tourists unless they are persistent are reluctant to take a three hour train ride; scholars wishing to access the museum's collections have no choice. In the early days the museum would ship journalists and guest to exhibition openings by train in dedicated coaches. So it probably wasn't too many years after the museum's 1983 opening that thoughts turned to bringing the collections physically to a London audience in some way. The NMeM's much vaunted 'London presence' which has been discussed formally since at least 2003 still remains on the table in 2009 although a venue has still to be confirmed. Past rumours have centred on Somerset House and even a standalone space.
It seems likely that a space at the Science Museum in Exhibition Road, SW7, has been found which will open by 2011-12. Both museums are part of the National Museum of Science and Industry grouping and there would be benefits in making space available. What is known is that the NMeM is currently working with Event Communications Ltd and Thompson Brand Partners, a Leeds consultancy which undertook the museum's recent rebranding, to produce a masterplan for a London presence.The space under consideration consists of two temporary exhibition galleries totalling 1,000 sq.m. where world-class exhibitions in photography and other media could be staged. A separate entrance would allow the space to operate independently of the Science Museum's opening hours.
Funding remains problematic although the chair of the museum trustees, the James Bond producer Michael G. Wilson, has committed himself to the project and fundraising for it. Larger questions remain about what will be shown. The Science Museum closed its Photography, Cinematography and Optics galleries some years ago and the new space would allow the NMeM to showcase a changing selection objects from these subjects areas in the space. To simply showcase highlights from the collections in London would almost be an admission of defeat about Bradford as a location. What seems more likely is that the space will be used to launch exhibitions of photography in the capital before they transfer to Bradford. There is a considerable market for photography in London that the Science Museum's near neighbour, the Victoria and Album museum is unable to meet and a coordinated programme with the V&A might ensure that photography enjoys a better representation than hitherto.
The NMeM remains tightlipped about precise timings, plans and funding.
Keep watching this space.
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The National Media Museum is seeking a Creative Director - Exhibitions of international calibre to develop and deliver an exciting, enhanced vision for the content of its temporary exhibitions programme, as it delivers on its goal to be the best museum in the world for inspiring people to learn about, engage with and create media. Key to this goal is the ambition to create a showcase gallery in London to raise the profile of the Museum with new audiences in the nation's capital and to further enrich the city's cultural life.
Individuals with outstanding creative talent from any area of the visual arts and media are encouraged to seek further information by visiting the Perrett Laver website at http://www.perrettlaver.com/candidates, quoting reference 0409. Closing date for applications is 5pm on Thursday 12th February 2009.
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Alison Morrison-Low wrote a review of this book for the Times High Education Supplement which can be found by clicking here
The first part of the review is below. The exhibition on which the book is based will be at the Albertina in Vienna from 20 March and should be worth visiting.
A lavish catalogue illuminates the secrets of scientific photography, says A.D. Morrison-Low
The conjunction of photography and science has had something of a history, but perhaps not one that has been explored enough. Photography, after all, is the art form (though there are many in the art world who would deny that it is an art form) that was born of optical science married to chemistry in the late 1830s - in France by Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, and in England by William Henry Fox Talbot. Brought to Light: Photography and the Invisible, 1840-1900 is the sumptuously illustrated catalogue of an exhibition of the same name which, after a lengthy run in late 2008 in San Francisco, will be at the Albertina museum in Vienna from 20 March until 6 June.
The first such exhibition of historic photographs of scientific importance was held more than 20 years ago at what was then the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television (now the National Media Museum) in Bradford, and named, along with its accompanying book, Beyond Vision. Written by Jon Darius,...Read more…
A new website has been launched which provides images and previously unpublished information about British camera manufacturing companies and their products. The site can be accessed here: www.earlyphotography.co.ukRead more…
The National Media Museum in Bradford has purchased the historically important and unique photograph album, Miniature Edition of Mrs Cameron's Photographs From the Life, 1869 by the eminent British Victorian photographer Julia Margaret Cameron. This acquisition has been made possible through funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (£10,000) and £5,000 from The Art Fund, the UK’s leading independent art charity. Exclusive details of the content and pictures are given below.
Cameron was presented with her first camera in 1863 at the age of 48. She embraced photography with a passion bordering on obsession, creating an unrivalled collection of portraits characterised by their remarkable intimacy. Cameron is now recognised as one of the most influential figures in the history of photography.
This unique album, the whereabouts of which was previously unknown to Cameron scholars, researchers and the general public, was identified during research undertaken by Philippa Wright, Curator of Photographs at the National Media Museum.
Philippa Wright said: “Acquiring the album is an important addition to the National Media Museum's world class and unrivalled collection of Julia Margaret Cameron’s work. The acquisition will enable us to make accessible a previously privately held object to our visitors, which last year exceeded 735,000 and included international photography scholars.”
Fiona Spiers, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund, Yorkshire and the Humber, said “Over the past 14 years we’ve been helping to keep the UK's collections alive by supporting grants for acquisitions. This particular acquisition is of major significance and will enable this important photograph album to go on public display and enhance the National Media Museum’s existing collection of Cameron’s work."
David Barrie, Director of The Art Fund, said: “This is an extraordinary piece, demonstrating Julia Margaret Cameron’s varied career – not only did she successfully capture eminent figures of her day, she also recorded intimate moments amongst friends and relatives. This album will enrich the National Media Museum’s substantial photographic archive, bringing pleasure to specialist researchers and general visitors alike. We are delighted to be able to continue our support of the Museum with this acquisition.”
The National Media Museum will conserve and make digital copies of the album, preserving it for future generations. There are plans for the album to appear as part of an interactive display in the Museum and permanent access to the album and the Museum’s collection will be available via the Museum’s research facility, Insight.
The National Media Museum holds the largest and most comprehensive collection of Cameron's work, consisting of photographs, ephemera and letters, including her hand written autobiography 'Annals of My Glass House,' and the original lens from her camera.
Since the National Media Museum opened in 1983, The Art Fund has given £430,722 towards new additions to its collections, including two other sets of works by Julia Margaret Cameron.
The album is titled:
Miniature Edition of Mrs Cameron’s Photographs From the Life, 1869 by Julia Margaret Cameron for her Son Hardinge Hay Cameron, and contains the following images:
1. John Frederick William Herschel, 1867
2. Adolphus Liddell, 1867 (Previously unknown image)
3. Young Astyanax. (Freddy Gould), 1866 ( In the Iliad ( Sir John Herschel’s translation published in 1866), Astyanax is the Son of Hector.
4. (as you look at the album page:
Top left - Blessing and Blessed, (Mary Hillier and Freddy Gould), 1865
Top right – La Madonna Esaltata / Fervent in prayer (Mary Hiller and Percy Keown), 1865
Center – La Madonna Aspettante / Yet a little while (Freddy Gould and Mary Hillier)
Bottom left - The Beauty of Holiness ( Freddy Gould), 1866
Bottom right – The Turtle Doves (Alice Keown and Elizabeth Keown), 1864
5. Charles Darwin, 1868
6. right: Sappho (Mary Hillier), 1865
left: The Wild Flower (Mary Ryan), 1867
7. right- Henry Taylor, Study of King David, 1865 -66
left – Marie Spartali, 1868
8. My Niece Julia [Jackson], 1867
There's doesn't seem too be too much happening in the UK now other than the events already posted. One website which is worth taking a look at is http://special.st-andrews.ac.uk/saspecial/ which will take you to the University of St Andrews Photographic Archive. Lots of fascinating material from Sir David Brewster to Valentine and later material, too. Recommended!
Please feel free too add anything to this site that is relevent to the overall subject area of British photographic history. Remember, this isn't a one-man show - the more contributions the better and there are some very illustrious members...
Michael Pritchard
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Although not strictly history of photography, more the photography of history, English Heritage has identified almost 1,000 new archaeological sites along the North East coast, including ship wrecks, wartime defences and remains of medieval salt factories. A team of English Heritage-funded archaeologists examined thousands of aerial photographs of the coastline, stretching from the Scottish border to Whitby, and pieced together the most up-to-date record of the wealth of historical sites scattered along the coast. Click here to read more.
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I would draw readers attention to a one day conference on British photographic history in the 1970s being held on 14 March in Birmingham. Speakers include Colin Ford, Jane Fletcher, Paul Hill, Peter James, Carolyn Bloore and others and promises to be a fascinating day. Full details are in the 'Events' section.
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Professor Stephen Brown is asking for feedback on the proposed title of a new MA photographic history course which launches at De Montfort University in October 2009. He writes..."We want to make sure the title conveys as accurately as possible what the course is about. So would you mind mailing me (sbrown@dmu.ac.uk) with a few words or a sentence summarising what this title means to you please? "MA Photographic
History and Practice".
Full details of the course which is being led by Kelley Wilder will be circulated in due course.
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I have been actively involved in the art and science of photography since was in elementary school. Study at the college and post degree level allowed me to teach and appreciate the many ways to approach the subject. My blog will discuss the first processes used to capture images and the men and women who used these processes. I will share my recent learning experiences in words and of course, pictures. By sharing my experiences, I hope to inspire you to go beyond just taking pictures and venture into other ways to enjoy this art form.
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The education of the eye. History of the Royal Polytechnic Institution 1838-1881.
Brenda Weeden
Cambridge: Granta Editions, 2008.
The Polytechnic Institution in London plays an important part in the early history of photography being the place where Richard Beard established his daguerreotype portrait studio in 1841. This was Europe's first commercial photographic studio. The Institution was one of a number of commercial enterprises presenting science to popular audiences and is now known as the University of Westminster, still occupying its original premises in Regent Street, London.
This new book, which is one of a series telling the history of the Polytechnic and includes a chapter 'Photography at the Polytechnic'. It's involvement started with lectures and demonstrations soon after photography was announced and by October J. T. Cooper was delivering popular lectures in October 1839. William Henry Fox Talbot made early use of the Polytechnic's resources and licensed it to demonstrate his process. Europe's first photographic studio was built on the roof of the Polytechnic and opened on 23 March 1841 and was operated by Cooper and another chemist, John Goddard. The first Polytechnic photography school opened in Spring 1853. Many will recall learning photography at 'the Regent Street Poly' in the 1950s and 1960s.
Although a general history the book it covers well the Polytechnic's involvement with popular science, photography and other optical media such as the magic lantern. It is written in a lively style and is well illustrated.
The winners of the 2009 And/or Book Awards, the UK’s leading prizes for books published in the fields of photography and the moving image, are to be announced on Thursday 23 April 2009. The awards ceremony will take place at the BFI Southbank, London, and is supported by the British Film Institute and Sight & Sound magazine.
Established in 1985, the And/or Book Awards seek to celebrate excellence in photography and moving image publishing. Two separate prizes are given for photography books and for moving image (including film, television and new media) books published between 1 January and 31 December 2008.
Winners will be selected from two shortlists to be revealed in March 2009. Between them they will share a total prize fund of up to £10,000. All books submitted will also join the Kraszna-Krausz collection of photography and moving image books held in the National Media Museum in Bradford.
The judging panels, chaired by Martin Parr (Photography) and Mike Dibb (Moving Images), are looking for works which make a significant contribution to photographic and/or moving image scholarship, history, research, criticism, science and conservation. A necessary condition is that they use photographs as more than a means of illustration.
Previously known as the Kraszna-Krausz Awards, from this year the two prizes are to be known by the Christian name of their founder, the prolific Hungarian publisher and dedicated founder of Focal Press, Andor Kraszna-Krausz. A new logo has been hand-drawn by David Hockney (see below).
More details can be found at the K-K website. http://www.kraszna-krausz.org.uk/
The National Media Museum comes to Flickr™! The museum debuted in The Commons on the photo-sharing website recently, joining other world-renowned institutions in showcasing their collections.
There are some wonderful images on there as a starting point; a major showcase of Peter Henry Emerson's work in the late 19th century, some fascinating images from the first Kodak camera, the No.1, from the 1880s, and some hilarious, bizarre and totally engrossing photos from a Lancashire-based "medium and physic" William Hope (taken - and doctored - in the early 20th century, some 70 years before Photoshop).
Members of the Museum’s collections team worked with Flickr to make three initial groups of images available online; museum curators Colin Harding, Philippa Wright and Greg Hobson made the selections and provided contextual commentary. The Museum will be posting selections of thematically-grouped photographs that it hopes will give some sense of the surprising breadth and diversity of it's Collection.
The museum's Flickr pages started here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nationalmediamuseum/Read more…
London's Tate Gallery is advertising a new curatorial position of Curator (Photography and International Art). The purpose of the job is to work on the acquisition and research of works for the Tate Collection. In addition you will contribute to the photography exhibition programme at Tate Britain and Tate Modern. The closing date for applications is 9 January 2009. The full job description can be seen here: http://www.tate.org.uk/about/workingattate/8140_curator-photography-and-international-art.pdfRead more…